About Acizenji

Name: Ace
Age: 17
Pronouns: He/Him
Hobbies: Drawing, Animating, Gaming.
Astronomy, Poetry, Art/Illustrations, Games, Gacha, Psychology
Problematic Stuffs, Disappointments
Programs/Apps that I use:IbispaintX
Paint Tool Sai
Alight Motion

QnAWanna be friends Ace?★ Yes! Would love to be friends with you :D My dms are always open.Will you make tutorials?★ Well, I kinda find it hard to explain some stuffs so probably not.Can we collab?★ Sure! depends on how available I am though, just dm me on my dc acc (Aceznjj)Can you animate/draw me?....How busy are you?
★ It actually depends on how much schoolworks I am tasked to work on.

Normal State

Corruption State



Rain's childhood wasn't painted in shadows, but in sun-drenched meadows and carefree laughter. He spent his days exploring hand-in-hand with his family, their smiles as bright as the summer sky. But innocence has a way of attracting darkness, and an unknown, hungry spirit latched onto Rain's pure soul one night. The first sign of its grip was a pair of black horns erupting from his head, stark against his hair, his hair has turned white aswell. Fear and whispers followed, painting him a "demon" in the eyes of his once welcoming village.Rain's childhood wasn't painted in shadows, but in sun-drenched meadows and carefree laughter. He spent his days exploring hand-in-hand with his sister, Elara, their smiles as bright as the summer sky. But innocence has a way of attracting darkness, and an ancient, hungry spirit latched onto Rain's pure soul one moonless night. The first sign of its grip was a pair of obsidian horns erupting from his forehead, stark against his raven hair. Fear and whispers followed, painting him a "demon" in the eyes of his once welcoming village.One fateful night, the darkness took over Rain's body. He was full of rage and shadows, tearing through the village, leaving behind screams and flames. When the madness subsided, a crimson dawn revealed the horrific cost, he saw his family lifeless in the ground along with other villagers who are badly injured. Grief, heavy as a mountain, crushed Rain. He fled, the horns a constant reminder of the monster he'd become, and the darkness within, always waiting to resurface. His journey towards redemption, or oblivion, had just begun.

Unoficial Design of her



Nixie's childhood was a crash course in resilience. Orphaned young, she became her little sister's rock, shielding her from the harsh edges of the world. But fate had a cruel twist in store. One fateful day, while sharing secrets under the twilight sky, disaster struck. A cloaked figure materialized, a flicker of malice in their eyes, and snatched away Nixie's world in a single, brutal strike. Her sister, gone. A curse, a chilling whisper of immortality and a thousand deaths, etched upon Nixie's soul.The world lost its color. Grief, a heavy cloak, clung to Nixie, suffocating her with its weight. She lived, or rather existed, in a perpetual loop of death and rebirth. Each day brought a new end, a different way to meet oblivion, only to wake up, cold and hollow, to do it all again. The vibrant girl who once protected her sister became a ghost, her laughter replaced by the echo of a thousand screams. Yet, somewhere deep within, a flicker of defiance remained, a spark refusing to be extinguished. This was just the beginning, and Nixie, even in her emptiness, knew she wouldn't go down without a fight. The mystery of the assassin, the curse, and the purpose of her endless suffering - these were the embers that would rekindle her spirit, one death, one rebirth at a time.

More ocs soon.....
